
Major Planetary Movements for the Month of Virgo 2018

8/23 Th       Sun moves into Virgo

8/25 Sa       Grand Earth Trine with the Sun in Virgo, Uranus Rx in Taurus and  Saturn Rx in Capricorn at 1-2˚

          A spotlight is shone upon the aspect of your life that contains the sign Virgo. For folks born during this month, it means the Sun returns to the same degree it was in when you were born. For all of us, a certain awareness and ego-consciousness occurs wherever we have Virgo in our charts. Virgo is a mutable earth sign that is concerned with discerning and differentiating what’s useful and useless. The Sun in Virgo functions to analyse and organize details in order to achieve the most efficient use of time and energy. Generally there is a desire to be critical and work through an area of our life to ultimately bring ease moving forward. Health is one of Virgo’s aims and the Sun’s journey in this sign brings an awareness for us to work at making practical and concrete improvements towards better health. This can be applicable in our work, our bodies, our relationships, our family and our mental health for example. Virgo always asks: is it working properly? can it work better? is it useful? is it in good health? is it valuable? I imagine Virgos as like worker bees hired to initiate a quality improvement project – and that project could be for e.g. their career, their health, their romantic partners, their finances etc. More importantly, when Virgo is happy to work away, which can be almost always, it is in honour of wanting to be of service. The joy is in the details and their level of attention can trap them in an endless loop of adjustment towards a kind of perfection. It is helpful for this mutable earth sign to always measure the level of “good enough” that is acceptable. This strategy can help many a Virgos manage their expectation and experience a much more achievable sense of satisfaction.

         The Sun immediately aspects with Uranus Rx in Taurus and Saturn Rx Capricorn creating a Grand Earth Trine. This is a very positive time promoting innovation and longevity in our efforts. In our birth charts, the houses that contain all the earth signs is being lit up by this very supportive aspect configurations.  Uranus and Saturn’s retrograde motion can represent a time for recalling and reviewing information which can manifest as delay in their expression. In any case, this Grand Earth Trine makes for practical, concrete, affirming and rewarding manifestation of our work. It will most likely feel good to put our heads down and get down to business. So use this time and get to work!