Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
A guide for mapping out your history with eclipses in the Pisces/Virgo axis
Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
Eclipses in the flow of time are like pit stops along your journey that inevitably change the direction of your travels. It’s sorta like a quest where new and unexpected challenges are laid ahead that you may not be prepared for.
Eclipses can bring forth change. Sometimes the change feels like a crisis moment. The etymology of the word crisis is from Greek krisis means ‘decision’, and from krinein ‘decide’. Eclipses are points in our journey where we get to decide how to navigate the changes that are coming.
Here’s a simple guide to help you map out your history with the Pisces/Virgo eclipses so you can imagine what may come up in the next 18 months:
WHAT OR WHERE: Look to the Pisces (and eventually Virgo) house of your birth chart for topics and areas of life that are likely undergoing eclipse-inspired changes.
WHEN: We have a Lunar Eclipse, which is an eclipsed Full Moon, at 25° Pisces on September 17, 2024, at 7:34 pm PDT. This is the start of the eclipses happening in the Pisces and Virgo axis that will end in February 2027. They usually occur in the same axis of opposing signs for about 18 months.
EVEN FURTHER BACK WHEN: Eclipses tend to re-cycle through the same signs every 9 years. As a result, the lunar nodes are in the same sign every 18 years.
To trace back your history with the Pisces and Virgo eclipses, here are points in time from recent history that may echo the upcoming cycle:
2015-2017 - the north node was in Virgo, and the south node was in Pisces
2006-2008 - the north node was in Pisces, and the south node was in Virgo (same as now, soon!)
From here, you can start to go back every 9 or 18 years if you want to review further historical dates.
Today's eclipsed Full Moon marks the halfway point since the New Moon in Pisces back on March 10, 2024. The Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces just finished conjoining Saturn Rx and squaring its ruler Jupiter in Gemini. As soon as it’s finished opposing the Sun in Virgo, it will conjoin Neptune Rx.
Remember August’s mutable tensions? This moon is going through a similar path with an added intensity by the proximity of the lunar nodes. Overall, its closeness to Neptune can make this moment feel vague, possibly ethereal. It enhances feelings of overwhelm. The north node in Pisces can also signal an insatiable desire for initiation or an urgency to begin something, anything.
One of the reasons I enjoy mapping out timelines as I suggested above is it gives a panoramic view of what has come before. Sometimes this appeases any speculative anxieties I have about uncertain futures.
Regardless of how you engage with this eclipse moment, it is a time when the life-giving luminaries are eclipsed. In a way, there is less energy available overall. There is more darkness than there is light. And how do you move in a space when there is decreased visibility? Perhaps with caution, maybe your other sensations are increased, or perhaps you just don’t move at all. However you go about it, I wish for you to be gentle and gracious with yourselves and others because eclipses emphasize how exhausted we all are.
I will be away travelling for most of October until mid-November 2024. So I don’t have much availability for consultations at the moment. But I’ll be around all winter as soon as I’m back at the end of November onwards. Be well and take good care for now <3