Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet.

Virgo season arrives on Aug. 22nd, immediately after a full moon. The month ahead signals a more grounded grasp of the changes that are possible and currently unfolding. We are called to tend to what’s essential. Its ruler Mercury moves into thoughtful Libra on Aug. 29th. It will stay there for an extended period - yes, this means it goes retrograde at the end of September.

The New Moon in Virgo on Sept. 6th is trine Uranus and happens on the same day Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow. Fresh ideas and strategies will be collected later on for further polishing. But for now, be brave and allow your discomfort to signify that you should go for it.

Venus moves into Scorpio on Sept. 10th and Mars into Libra on Sept. 14th, collectively uncovering the unending pain that is being human. We must continue to care despite the exhaustion of grief. Finally, a Full Moon in Pisces on Sept. 20th appends the bookend of Virgo season, culminating whatever began in March 2021 to now.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, you can read for your Sun (if born during the day) and/or Moon (if born at night) sign. Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

Aries: Part of being in a meaningful relationship with others is allowing the folks you care about the space to grow and learn in their own time. Sometimes we have to watch our beloveds make bad decisions and get their hearts broken. Part of loving others is recognizing their personhood. Each person has their timing for their capacity for change. Your perceived timeline is not theirs.

Taurus: Please stop underestimating the value of your contributions. Especially when you think your offerings are trivial or inconsequential. Just because something comes easy for you does not mean you don’t deserve all the praise. Similarly, it’s also not an excuse for you to keep saying yes to more work. Establish a tolerable boundary for your time so you can support yourself in saying no more often. 

Gemini: Looking back in your early life, do you recall a moment when you were deep in your fun, but an adult shamed you for it? Unfortunately, as children, we are the perfect projection vessels of our adult caregivers’ moral compass. Now, as an adult with agency, you’re invited to investigate your own virtues. Be honest about its origins. Perhaps you may realize that the burden of other people’s righteousness has been the culprit of the extreme dishonour and disgrace you’ve been embodying. 

Cancer: Our mortal bodies live in linear time, but our hearts and spirits often reside in non-linear quantum spaces. This means a lot of our memories and past experiences travel through and with our ageing selves. Our perspective of them shape-shifts. Allow yourself the space to grieve what once was. Give yourself new stories to build upon. If the idea of home and homecoming bring up incredible ache and longing, stay with these feelings for now and let them pass through. 

Leo: Get to know the multiple non-monetary ways you are supported and cared for. What tangible gifts of time and relationships are you in possession of? Also, how much does your day-to-day life reflect the kind of quality you want your bigger life to be? You may be more inclined to notice and criticize what is lacking. This is an excellent time to lean into a gratitude practice if nothing else. 

Virgo: Your time is the most valuable and finite of your resources. In a way, you’re probably quite fluent in squeezing out as much of time’s potential as possible. But is that really how you want to be living? Unfortunately, the ‘less is more’ cliche is relevant for your season, dear Virgo. Learn to take on less, so you can have more. More of what you love and desire. More of what supports you. 

Libra: You, as much as anyone, profoundly appreciate the value and function of subtlety. Perhaps to the point that it can sometimes make you appear disingenuous. When in fact, your intention is quite the opposite. How much are your care-expressions deemed invisible? This time, craft another way to show your understated thoughtfulness. Go for explicit, even if it’s not crafty or aesthetically pleasing. Make it your responsibility to cure your resentment for your unacknowledged efforts.

Scorpio: A lot of situations in life go through un/expected cycles of repetitions. Often, the dreams and wishes you cast upon stars are iterations of a past want, or perhaps of a future you previewed, who knows? What’s clear is that you’re on a journey towards redemption of sorts. The truth is you want to trade unfair circumstances for beautiful stories. You want to liberate yourself from the hold of your past. But first, you must shed your justified cynicism. Try a different way through your recurrent cycles, dear Scorpio.

Sagittarius: Wrestling with the shoulds of your life is a complicated matter. They are layered with your actual years and intergenerational conditioning from families of origin, peers, popular culture and the accumulation of your own learned wisdom. However, this time, challenge your own dreams. Challenge your desire to impress the people you look up to. Dare to surprise and disappoint the community around you. And hopefully, in the process of your transition, you end up liking who you’re becoming more and more.

Capricorn: Sometimes, what you believe in is exactly the kind of embrace you need to hold you through the atrocities of being human. On the same vein, it is highly possible that the same supportive ideologies contradict your other needs. Examine the paradoxes of your beliefs and your desires. Lean into the likely truth that some things are supposed to complicate each other. And in that seemingly irreconcilable enigma, lies the richness of a nuanced life. 

Aquarius: How often do you think that how you’re vulnerable, afraid and broken are what gives you power? It’s hard to feel strong when you’re just trying your hardest to keep things from falling apart. But what happens when you do allow for things to crumble and disintegrate? A new perspective gives way when you loosen your grip on fear. The worst thing may have already happened while you’re anticipating it. 

Pisces: Contrary to how you’re commonly advised to change, your tendency for a romantic point of view is the kind of medicine we need more of. To relate with others from a place of sweetness, affectionate yearning, and an ache to care are traits you should never dull down. To move towards loving others more is never something to withhold or be ashamed of. The secret is to not be deluded. Allow this superpower to inform you of the actual lived realities so you can literally transform them.