Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet.

Libra season is about asking for grace. It begins as the sun enters Libra on Sept 22nd. Mercury, also in Libra, stations retrograde on Sept 26th, trine Jupiter and square Pluto. It is both a relief and a fright to wait things out. A new moon in Libra conjunct Mars occurs on Oct 6th, heating up this area of your life. Venus enters Sagittarius on Oct 7th, sweetening up any potential friction and conflict that has been brewing. Mercury in Libra moves forward on Oct 18th, supported by Venus, pushing forward any stalled situations. A full moon in Aries occurs on Oct 20th, clarifying anything that began back in April.

For Libra season, I offer you Horoscope as Invocations. An invocation is like a prayer or a calling for help or a blessing. Prayers often involve a formula of naming praises, confessing our pleas and regrets, expressing gratitude and detailing our plan for desired change. Read on for insight on where you may need more grace for the month ahead.

It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, you can read for your Sun (if born during the day) and/or Moon (if born at night) sign. Read it all if you like, and take what resonates. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more guidance on how all of these play together, visit

Aries: I am self-ruling and self-supporting. I am fierce in my ability to forge my own way. The ways I have been disappointed and hurt by others may have enabled my tendency for independence. But it’s not its sole cause. Still, I ask for guidance in allowing the yearning for needing others to permeate through my wall of self-reliance. I will make space for others, and I aim to strengthen my relationships.

Taurus: I am driven by my multiple and reliable anchors that ground me in reality and the demands of my life. I ritualize care as a way towards a sense of security. I petition for foresight and judgment to manage my responsibilities. To allow me to let go of unnecessary extras, especially if I use them as a procrastination tool. I intend to care for the preciousness of my attention.

Gemini: I am a curious and savvy thinker that inspires others to also study everything. I request for the grace of failing. May it never discourage me from trying again and again. This is what creativity is about. I  accept my desire for multiplicity and nuance. Though I sometimes crave singularity, I reject it. I will lean into the complexity, impermanence and temporality of life. 

Cancer: I am loveable and loved because of and despite my history. I understand the labour of care deeply. I ask for the wisdom of my adult heart and mind to rebuild my foundations. I will give myself great pieces of evidence of how and why I am loved. And in return, I will allow myself to reciprocate from my endless well of grounded affections. Devotion is a healing act when it is a function of care, not of subservience.

Leo: I am determined and resolute in my passion, whether I express them or not. I understand the gift of feedback, and I accept my desire and generosity in giving and receiving them. I call upon for guidance to discern whose validation I seek and why. I resolve to be a good judge of constructive criticisms that help me grow over passive-aggressive disrespect. I also understand that only surrounding myself with good praises can also equally hinder my development.

Virgo: I am intelligent and capable of learning anything I put my mind to. I find strength in knowledge. Understanding others is my love language. I ask for the grace of not knowing as a way to always be open to learning. I want to have a healthier relationship with supporting myself. When I sustain myself well, I become more available for other beautiful experiences. I will suspend my old beliefs to make way for a new understanding. 

Libra:  I am a person of delight, aesthetic flair and refined affections. I ask for assistance to support my desire for stronger boundaries in my self-advocacy. I no longer want to remain modest, unimportant, a tool for mediation. I will move towards my audacious anger despite how uncomfortable it feels in my body. I will avoid answering in the reluctant language of “Sure, why not?”, “I guess it doesn’t hurt.”, “I think I have time.”.  I will learn the qualitative difference between my ambivalent yes and no. 

Scorpio: I understand that I can naturally grasp things’ gravity and unspoken meanings more than others. I see this as a strength for capturing the essence of people and situations. I request for the wisdom of levity, in contrast. To aid in my longing for more psychic spaciousness. I plan to give myself as much allowance to let thoughts and emotions fall away as quickly as they cling. I do not always have to hold on and remember.

Sagittarius: I am easy to like and be joyful with. I possess admirable social skills that are generous and uplifting to whoever I come in contact with. I plead for the reminders of the multiple ways I belong when the tentacles of loneliness suffocate me. I accept that I cannot always feel held, seen and understood. When humans fail me, I remember my non-human companions. For as long as the sun rises and the moon waxes and wanes, the wind moves through my skin, and rain wets my hair, I will always belong to the kaleidoscope of creation. 

Capricorn: I am resolute and determined in taking up my rightful place in the world I am building. I work very hard to achieve unimaginable feats. When the distance between who I want to be and who I am becomes achingly vast, I beg for prudence. I will refrain from making my life about my goals only, lest I forget how I got here in the first place. I plan to always remember when ease was hard to come by and beginnings, painful. 

Aquarius: I am critical, perceptive and discerning, and these traits have allowed me to survive and stay safe. However, in my appropriate cynicism, sometimes I miss out on the sensation of frivolity and lightheartedness. I ask for guidance on how to flirt with superficiality, which is actually profound. That I may be able to see the whimsicality and buoyancy of life. I plan to stop taking myself too seriously. 

Pisces: I feel the melancholy and ecstasy of life in equal measure. It keeps me open to both joy and sorrow. I ask for the cushion to hold me in my grief. I want to grieve. I want to break my heart open. I desire to remain vulnerable to the fragility of life. I plan to stop avoiding this wondrous truth. I will not continually numb out without a plan to return to the aliveness of love and loss.