Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished from here.
Sagittarius Season encompasses possibilities and lessons about labour, especially under circumstances and environments that aren't supportive. It highlights a society's conditioning towards what is considered 'normal' and reveals its culture and biases. Personally for you, this means some situations this month may require more effort without recognition or encouragement. It challenges your own level of tolerance when engaging with unfair systems of power— not to mention we are officially entering eclipse season and a new Jupiter/Saturn era.
But first, we welcome the Sun’s entry into the mutable fire sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 21st. We’re seasonally in the liminal time of ending fall/spring and starting winter/summer. Venus also enters Scorpio on the same day. Spend this time engaging in more provocative conversations that strike at the heart of the matter. Don’t beat around the bush.
Eclipses signify change. At times, it can feel a lot like a crisis of sorts. “Crisis” root word means “to pivot or change direction”. A Lunar Eclipse takes place on Nov. 30th at 8˚ Gemini. This is a full moon eclipse that culminates whatever began and emerged back in May 2020. A Solar Eclipse also occurs on Dec. 14th at 23˚ Sagittarius. This is a new moon eclipse indicating a potent new beginning in this area of your life. It's helpful to remember that the eclipses on the Gemini and Sagittarius axis of your charts started in June 2020 and will continue to activate this axis until 2022. Generally, the Gemini part of your chart will likely experience births, while Sagittarius will go through endings.
Mercury enters its sign of antithesis in Sagittarius on Dec 1st and Venus also follows on Dec. 15th. Mercury may have a more challenging time in Sagittarius, making processing information and communication more difficult this month, though intellectual creativity and innovation should be relatively abundant. Venus on the other hand, improves its essential dignity. Venus’ presence may relieve a bit of the pressure in the Sagittarius portion of your chart with the eclipses and seasonal focus there. Wherever Venus travels it adds a layer of enjoyment and pleasure with it.
One of the biggest and most awaited events to finish off 2020 is Saturn's re-entry into Aquarius on Dec. 17th. Jupiter also follows shortly on Dec. 19th. If you read back to The Shape of 2020 forecast, I briefly mentioned this momentous shift. This signals the start of a long journey. It signals Saturn’s beginning in Aquarius generations' Saturn returns, which officially started back in March-July 2020, when Saturn dipped into Aquarius for a bit. However, this time, Jupiter is along for the ride and its essential dignity is improved immensely after departing Capricorn. Saturn will stay in Aquarius until 2023 while Jupiter will remain in Aquarius until Dec 2021. However, it will enter its home sign in Pisces between May to July 2021.
In conclusion, Sagittarius Season beckons notable alterations and transmutations. We’ll most likely experience and witness this play out on the world stage. Read your horoscopes to learn how the astroweather ahead will personally impact you.
Note: astroweather is a shorthand for astrological weather. Similar to the actual weather, in this context we are looking for insights on how the current planetary motions could potentially impact you. If your birth chart was a home, the skies above function as the weather patterns.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit
This month hopefully takes you on journeys, real or imagined. Give yourself the pleasure of learning something new. Allow for inspiration to feed your visions of the future. There will be massive shifts in your community, friendships, and goals. You'll be embarking on building and taking on new roles in the spaces you move through. Work through your desires for and pain over (not) belonging. This is important.
The month ahead is significant for the start of working through your aspirations and overall life direction. The labour and effort to move closer to your ideal self and life begins this season. Consequently, this can happen when you also process your trauma or any past hurts and betrayals. Soothe the anguish of your heart and mind, dear Taurus. Do not skip this step.
This season is perfect for observing the mirrors around you, with mirrors representing the people you're in a relationship with. Who are you with and who do you give your time to? What does this say about who you are? A significant shift in your beliefs is brewing. Explore other possible dimensions of life and ways of being. Do not limit yourself to just what's familiar and safe.
Try and remember not to be too hard on yourself, dear Cancer. You don't always have to have everything figured out or under control. In fact, the astroweather ahead is a lesson in surrender. You may find yourself physically more exhausted as you wade through in-depth emotional and psychological heavy lifting. Allow yourself a lot of spaciousness and quiet moments.
There is a heavy emphasis on any issues concerning relationships, intimacy, creativity, and self-expression. Your partnerships and commitments are about to go through a maturation process. For some this may mean taking things up a notch. For others it can mean an ending. Either way, it's about growth. Focus on honesty as a non-negotiable principle and action throughout the process.
Epic changes are afoot in your day to day life, your responsibilities, and your work. This is the time to build something to last. Your tendency to overdo it may be high, so try to pace yourself. Set some firm boundaries for your time. Things at home and with family may also be going through some shifts. Don't push yourself too hard.
This season’s major takeaway is to deeply understand how your words impact how you're perceived and received, and to be more intentional with what and how you create. You will be going through a reasonably sobering time that prioritizes effort over luck. It will feel better to put in the work and reap the rewards this way. Let your ethics dictate how you move forward.
Significant foundational changes will involve issues around your home, family, ancestry, and early childhood experiences. Practically this could look like a literal or metaphorical renovation concerning these themes. Family of origin dynamics are often one of the original wounds that take entire lifetimes to work through. Be easy on yourself. Focus on how you can best support your needs. There is no right or wrong way of doing things.
Happy Birthday Sagitarrius bbs! This month features an intensification in the topics of selfhood vs relationships. You'll be balancing a lot of your needs for self-expression versus the efforts required in fulfilling your commitments. Also, there is a new and massive narrative that's beginning. It involves rebuilding how you're communicating and learning. New routines and daily structures are being constructed, and connections with siblings, neighbours, and extended family become the focal point.
This month signals an inward shift more than usual for you Capricorn. You'll be more interested in minding your own business in the quiet and stillness of your own company. Some work projects may be coming to a finish, while a momentous change in your finances is set to break ground. You'll be busy establishing a materially stable future for the next while.
This month is HUGE for you, Aquarius. Expect massive and deep self-growth and transformation. Don't even think you'll be the same person by 2023. This is a good thing. Your community and groups of friendships are also going through changes this month. As you navigate a culmination of your own work within it, give yourself enough space to allow for trials and failures. Take your time.
Get ready to take up more of the spotlight this month. Be brave in sharing your contrarian views publicly. In contrast, private matters are coming to a head involving your home and family. The bigger story is that you'll be setting out to deeply confront old and painful memories for the next while. Do the work and focus on the surrender and trust required to be pulled in by your desire to love yourself.