Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished from here.
Capricorn season is always solstice season, with the earth in the northern hemisphere tilting towards the light, finally extending the days after long nights. At the same time, the Sun enters Capricorn, and we will experience the dawn of a new era- Jupiter and Saturn conjoin at 0° Aquarius. Wherever you have Aquarius in your chart, this marks a poignant beginning in your personal and collective histories.
A Full Moon at 8° Cancer occurs on Dec. 29th, culminating whatever began back in July 2020. On Jan. 6th, 2021, Mars finally departs fast-paced Aries and enters the more languid landscapes of Taurus. A New Moon takes place on Jan. 13th at 23° Capricorn marking new beginnings without Jupiter & Saturn. It conjoins Pluto and therefore signifies potent and intense inceptions. Read your horoscopes for more personal insights for Capricorn season!
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit
Capricorn: The New Moon for this cycle grants you the prospect of launching something deeply personal to you, something you're looking to cultivate and work hard for. The Full Moon on the other hand, brings exciting conclusions to your commitments. Over the long haul, how you relate and manage your material resources will be the bigger story. Get creative and be deliberate. It's okay to take your time.
Aquarius: The next month represents the opening of a new door, like the first steps or first words uttered in a story. You're about to embark on a big cycle of growing and reckoning who you are with who you were. There will be tension from how your past lingers and still affects you. For now, be prudent in your actions and thoughtful with your words. The New Moon will hopefully expose and recover memories that are important for your becoming.
Pisces: You have an opportunity to explore and move beyond scientism and materialism. What does it mean for you to attune to spirit? What does your spirituality look like? Frankly, it is challenging to find the words for what you're experiencing. Language proves to limit what is felt. So instead, focus on turning inward and quieting down. Pay attention to the subtle liminal spaces, and craft ritual around them.
Aries: Resist the angst of loneliness and embrace that all of life is relationships. You're set up to want to grow and achieve big goals. Generosity is a tool you can wield as you link arms with people who understand your vision, and likewise, who you also want to support and watch grow. Material success traps you in isolation. Dream big with others instead.
Taurus: Defy the hurried pace of the world by purposefully slowing down. You may feel compelled to show up and out with grand achievements and in fact, you will. But for now, tune into your body's fatigue. Tend to your aching muscles. Rest your head. New worlds will be opening up to you as old ones close down. Take this time to Revel in the languid tempo of the season and wind all the way down.
Gemini: Growing and healing are significant themes for you for the next long while. How it manifests depends on your context, but one sure thing, for the next month or so try your best to go inward. Resist the desire to externalize, tweet, and share every moment of your days. There can be ripe wisdom in keeping some things to yourself. Observe how unshared and unspoken words blossom as epiphanies over slow time. Just try.
Cancer: Believe deep in your heart that your softness is what makes you strong. This conviction is what will help you ease into any lingering, new, or evolving ache and grief you carry. You may feel alienated and alone in your pain. Find evidence against this, no matter how real it seems. Take yourself seriously by allowing the sharp edges of being human erode and dissolve. Let your grief take on new shapes.
Leo: It'll slowly but resolutely dawn on you what you're willing to take on in relationships. This realization will open up more possibilities for you. It may also bring up endings. What's for sure is that nothing changes without your effort and active participation. There will be immense pressure to appear put together as you navigate tricky situations. Let this burden go. You don't always have to have everything figured out.
Virgo: Take your effort and labour seriously—especially if those in power do not. Even if the object of your affection doesn’t notice, meticulous and discerning with how much of yourself you give up in the process of service. Listen to your gut for wisdom. As hard as it may seem, give more room for purposeless joy in your everyday life. This is important. Not everything is about work.
Libra: The name of the game is disciplined pleasure. Maybe it sounds boring but listen, consider engaging in structured but enjoyable activities. Think of it also as remediation against hopelessness. This is what you need to cultivate moving forward. Do not underestimate what consistent play can do for your overall well-being. Don't take yourself too seriously. Find the humour and lightness in things, especially when life feels heavy and hard.
Scorpio: Often our intimate relationships echo the kinds of dynamics we experienced growing up. For starters, we learn about being loved (or not) and how to show up in conflict from our childhoods. Sometimes these old moments from our young selves reverberate into our current adult partnerships. Sometimes we can pinpoint exactly what doesn't work. Other times, we're acting out of muscle memory. Your task this time is to recognize the former and resist the latter.
Sagittarius: Make friends with routine and the mundane. Have reverence for the redundant and daily repetitions of your life. You must create a wondrous relationship with moments that do not necessarily take your breath away. Excitement, though irresistible, is often fleeting and results in a deep ache. When you resist yearning for the next dynamic chase, you will soon realize how much more alive you actually feel.