Vanitas-Still Life, Maria van Oosterwijck (1630–1693). “A vanitas is a symbolic work of art showing the transience of life, the futility of pleasure, and the certainty of death, often contrasting symbols of wealth and symbols of ephemerality and death. Best-known are vanitas still lifes, a common genre in Netherlandish art of the 16th and 17th centuries; they have also been created at other times and in other media and genres.[1]”
Hi friends and dear readers, I’ve taken a bit of a break from writing to y’all. I’ve missed putting thoughts on “paper” and I’m back to writing about the #AstroWeatherMood for the week ahead. I am still taking some time off from writing Rising Sign Horoscopes. I hope to resume this practice again very soon. For now, please enjoy these short and sweet tidbits on what the celestial forecast has in store for us for the week of Apr. 22-28, 2019. You’ll find the same words on my instagram but with some accompanying images and sometimes suggested ideal activities for the day. So make sure you follow me on the gram. As usual, my May books are open for consultations. Be well!
APR. 22, 2019 MONDAY
The week starts us off on a jovial and optimistic note with the Moon still in Sagittarius. For people living in the northern hemisphere, spring is definitely in the air. Rain or shine, you can’t dampen the spirit of today’s hopeful tone. There is a general mood for exploration and attaching meaning to our daily experiences. Later in the evening, we find the Sun conjoins Uranus in Taurus at 2º at 7:05pm EST for the first time in ~84 years (wow). This combo is electric and sends shockwaves to the system. Whatever house in your charts that’s Taurus, is in for some major changes and upheavals for the next 7 years. The change though chaotic, is ultimately freedom from what’s dragging you down. The Sun’s time in Taurus this month shines a light on this area of your life. Shortly after, the philosophical Moon in Sagittarius finds itself drowning in mystical waters squaring off with Neptune in Pisces. Be careful what you wish for. Not all the glitters is gold.
APR. 23, 2019 TUESDAY
Before Luna goes void-of-course for most of the working day, the Moon first conjoins the lord of plenty Jupiter in Sagittarius boosting it with some confidence juice. A void-of-course Moon is when it’s not making major aspects to other planets prior to changing signs. Think of it as if you’re in an elevator by yourself with no cellphone signal, just waiting to get off on your floor stop. The idea is you’re just waiting, not doing anything, not talking to anyone. Similarly, void-of-course Moon days are usually best for passive and routine activities. Not ideal for starting new ventures or purchasing things. Resting is best or at least taking it easy. As the evening rolls in, we find the Moon move into workhorse Capricorn at 6:50pm EST. You’ll likely find yourself wanting to burn the midnight oil. Though the Moon usually does not find Capricorn a comfortable place, she’s nonetheless supported by radical Uranus and the benevolent Sun in Taurus. I hope the evening finds you more productive than the slow and sleepy day.
Moon remains in Capricorn all day. It’s a day where putting in hours to work hard and build something feels better than feeling your feelings. In fact, the mood may feel very serious and possibly pessimistic. The mid-afternoon brings additional frustrations and irritability. Miscommunications may occur as Luna squares off with hot-tempered Mercury in Aries. Let off some steam somehow by moving your body or sweating it out. At 2:45pm EST, the god of the underworld Pluto in Capricorn slows down to station retrograde at 23˚. It will move all the way back to 20˚ until Oct. 3, 2019. Outer planets changing directions are not the biggest deal as they often spend most of the year in retrograde motion. Generational and collective themes of power and the dynamics it plays in our individual lives become potent topics for reflection. Pluto also signifies decomposition and toxic waste. As we watch our world ravage through the toxicity of human progress, what in your life needs some and is overdue for cleansing? Purge what is no longer needed.
Photo by Adrien Converse @lurm via unsplash
APR. 25, 2019 THURSDAY
The serious vibe remains for most of the day. It’s truly a great day to be productive and to finish work projects. The morning finds the Moon conjoined her ruler Saturn in Capricorn, which reminds us of our own commitment to our responsibilities. Usually this combo also brings up feelings of loneliness and isolation. Notice these feelings and try not to push them away. At the same time, remind yourself of at least two things you’re grateful for that helps you feel less alone. Later on, the Moon meets up with now retrograde Pluto intensifying some of this morning’s mood. Self-care will be the name of the game as the Moon goes void-of-course from 3:48pm EST all night until the next morning. Take a bath, walk in the woods, do some restorative yoga, fold laundry, read a book, listen to soothing music, star gaze. Passive activities that bring your brain into a relaxed state is most ideal. Tend to the worries of the day by taking care of yourself.
APR. 26, 2019 FRIDAY
The Moon enters pragmatic but social Aquarius at 5:27am EST. Friday jumps off on a bit of a high strung and erratic mood. The Moon squares off with Uranus in the late morning sending restlessness and desire to break free from routine. Spend the day with like minded folks that help complicate your own worldview. You may feel impatient but also likely more open to other ways of seeing things. At 6:18pm EST, the Moon in Aquarius squares the Sun in Taurus forming an exact Last Quarter Phase. Themes of deconstructing old and outdated perspectives rush forward as we navigate our little lives and the future of our world. The evening finally brings some sweetness by way of Venus, hopefully giving some respite from the disquiet of the day.
APR. 27, 2019 SATURDAY
The weekend morning is met with stay-in-bed atmosphere with Mars in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces both at 17˚ at 9:04am EST. This situation usually leaves people unmotivated and exhausted. Let go of any productivity expectations for today and just flow with it. While the Moon remains in Aquarius all day, she also meets up with Mercury this morning making it an ideal day to let some words out. It’s a good day to put language to our feelings. Write it down, sing it out. While the lingering lazy mood colours the day, the airy Moon in Aquarius trines also airy Mars in Gemini in the evening, possibly making you want to connect, socialize and move your body. Just go with the flow.
APR. 28, 2019 SUNDAY
The Moon in Aquarius sextiles Jupiter in Sagittarius in the wee hours of the morning before going void-of-course. This sets us off on a day of philosophical wonderings and wanderings. Go for a hike, go fishing, pray at church, check out the latest museum exhibition, read an article about the future of humanity. At 6:11pm EST, the Moon enters Pisces and sends us off to an evening of glamour and dreams. It’s a good night to watch television (Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 3 anyone?).
If you want a more personalized reading you can see me for a live consultation for a look at your Half-A-Year Ahead or Year Ahead. If you don’t know anything about your chart, a Birth Chart Reading is always a great place to start. And lastly, I also offer Tarot Readings if that’s more your divination style.