Collage by Hilary-Joyce Arellano, Feb 2019 - Cancerian feeler/dreamer~designer/maker from Toronto. Turning to art as a vessel for expressing an ever-changing creative process, visions of lightwork, and dream journaling. Creating intuitively @opalitevariety, seeking life beyond @whatis_thetruth.
I’m very excited for my very first horoscope featuring an art collaboration (see image credits above)! Scroll down for your Full Moon in Virgo Horoscopes. Otherwise keep reading for the low down on the astroweather for the next two weeks.
The Sun enters the boundary-less and mutable waters of Pisces on Feb. 18th at 1504 PT/1804 ET. The Sun is also being received and witnessed by way of a square aspect by the dignified ruler Jupiter in Sagittarius. The luminary responsible for our sense of individuality can have a challenging time in Pisces. If the Sun wants to exemplify the ego, Pisces wants to dissolve it. The expression of individuation in this sign is about identifying with the collective. The mutable waters of Pisces is driven to transmute our flawed human ego-needs towards a kind of transcendent spirituality. Forgiveness is the call to action this #PiscesSeason.
Not long after the Sun moves into Pisces, we experience a Full Moon at 0º Virgo on Feb. 19th 0754 PT/1054 ET. For most of us in the west, we’ll witness the brightest of the full moon just prior on the night of Feb. 18th. This Full Moon highlights the Virgo/Pisces axis that is all about matter and spirit, and being of service to others. These two opposing signs are concerned with healing through bodily (Virgo) and spiritual (Pisces) means. Luna also forms a sign based Grand Earth Trine with Mars in Taurus and Saturn, Venus, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn. In addition to the opposition with the Sun, she also opposes this lunation’s ruler Mercury who is applying to an exact conjunction to Neptune. Translated in real life, this full moon has the potential to be quite embodied in experience. There is a rich opportunity to connect our mundane lives towards a deeper and more spiritual meaning. Where in your life can you experience such immense empathy and where can you direct all that energy towards helping others? Virgo and Pisces are signs of servitude.
The shadow work available to all of us during this Full Moon in Virgo is the potential for overwhelming self-criticism. As well, there can be a tendency towards martyrdom that’s ultimately not helpful. Use what you understand as a way towards healing instead of encouraging more self-negative talk. Think back to the last New Moon at 17º in Virgo on Sept. 9th, 2018 for clues on what has reached its peak form. Your horoscopes below will help you pin point what area of life this Super Full Moon is most felt.
On the same day of the Full Moon, her ruler Mercury in Pisces doubles down on the nebulous energy of being in their sign of detriment and fall. Mercury enters their pre-retrograde shadow at 15º Pisces and exactly conjoins Neptune at the same time. This really implicates the Full Moon in Virgo that requires critical, practical and detail-oriented ways of analyzing the messy realm of emotions. I imagine the Virgo Moon answering to the rescue efforts of a typhoon affected community with debris and injured people everywhere. It feels disorienting and this Virgo Moon would want to organize and regroup real quick. However, the Full Moon’s ruler Mercury in Pisces is busy getting lost in all the chaos. Also probably just overwhelmed by the suffering of everyone around them. It’s a lot to sort through.
Finally, on Mar. 1st, Venus enters Aquarius and remains hosted by Saturn in Capricorn. The deity of beauty and relationships moves into the fixed air of social justice oriented Aquarius. She’s finally witnessed again by Jupiter in Sagittarius by way of a superior sextile which gives us a nice boost to start March with the benefic planets helping each other out. Soon enough, Mercury will be moving backwards on Mar. 5th and I’ll save the confusing details for the next round of horoscopes.
Read your horoscopes for the last 2 weeks of February 2019. It is best to read with your Ascendant/Rising sign in mind. But you can also read your Sun sign (especially if you are a day chart) and your Moon sign (especially if you are a night chart).
If you want a more personalized reading you can see me for a live consultation for a look at your Half-A-Year Ahead or Year Ahead. You can also order a Monthly Forecast via a written report or video crafted specifically for your chart. If you don’t know anything about your chart, a Birth Chart Reading is always a great place to start. And lastly, I also offer Tarot Readings if that’s more your divination style. Consider donating to help me sustain my writing.
It’s time to see some results from the daily regimens you’ve been working on the past 6 months. This full moon will show you what’s the most efficient use of your energy. Your health depends on the kinds of habits you employ each day. What kinds of changes are you seeing now? Is there room for improvement? Could you potentially adjust the details of your daily life to help you feel more grounded? The mundane work you do everyday helps support your spiritual development internally. Cultivate rituals that work within and without.
Oscar Wilde says that “life imitates art far more than art imitates life”. How much does art influence how you relate to your life? This full moon is all about the distillation process of your creative and erotic prowess. What has been bringing you pleasure the last 6 months is ripening now. Get your creative juices flowing and get inspired by the beauty that surrounds you. Relish in the romance available to you or better yet, create it. Indulge in embodied joy that transcends your spirit.
Your home, roots and family are the fruits you are harvesting this full moon. Declutter and clean out your space to make room for more magic. Dig through your old journals to make sense of who you were and who you’re becoming. Talk to your elders and hear stories about your family. Do the work in therapy of forgiving your parents for not knowing how to love you. Dig deep into your past and buried down memories to make peace with the ancestral lineage you’ve inherited. Move forward with empathy for everyone, including you, was just trying their best.
What you have to say on any matter takes on a life of its own. Your words can have medicinal potential especially when you come from the heart of the matter. Your ways of communicating require that you work through delivering the essence of your messages. Practice and hone them in. These are learned skills that you can master. Distill what you have to say succinctly. And always remember, to speak in the spirit of compassion. This reminds me of poet Rumi’s 3 Gates of Speech: “Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: At the first gate, ask yourself “Is is true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” This Full Moon awards you the discernment to know.
It’s all about the Benjamins baby. Have you figured out how your money flows? You may experience clarity with regards to how you are earning and saving money. And you may also be equally confused by your debt and taxes. Either way, it’s time to pull out the spreadsheet and figure out the ins and outs of all your assets and possessions. This full moon will highlight your financial wounds and challenge you to take out any useless strategies you’ve been availing yourself to. That includes any beliefs you have about how much financial stability you deserve. And guess what, you deserve abundance. Get to work to get there.
You’re shedding new skin dear Virgo. This full moon is most likely felt-in-your-body most by you out of everyone. Your sense of self and how you face your relationships may have undergone some rearrangements the past 6 months. While you busy yourself with the needs of others, don’t forget to pay attention to what your self needs. Get busy with the details and rituals of adorning and loving up your body. Whether that’s through movement, a warm herbal bath or simply kind words of affection. This act of love towards yourself allows you to be more present in your relationships. Don’t forget you.
The inner and mysterious side of your life get some shine this full moon. Nurture some alone time that gives you a chance to get to know how you really feel. It may feel antithetical to your social nature but a little bit of solitude won’t hurt you. Get to know the inner workings of your mind and heart. What kinds of worries plague you in your quiet moments? What are the stories of shame you carry in your body? Spend some time discerning narratives that does not originate from within you. Learn what spirituality means to you and how it can serve a bigger purpose in your healing.
Who are your people? Who do you share your ideals with? Who are the ones supporting you? This full moon makes clear the shared humanity you have with others. This is also a time of refining your future goals and ambitions. Are you working towards collaborations that help you foster a deeper sense of belonging? Or are you running around in circles where nobody really knows you and your values? Let this lunation inform you of the alliances you need to nurture and the ones you need to gently let go. Be in community with folks that share your vision. Let the spirit of authentic generosity be the tenet you act from. Do yourself a favour and lose the fake friends. Or better yet, show the real you, flaws and all.
Your career and achievements are receiving the full light of this moon. Whatever you’ve been toiling earnestly through for the last 6 months will show some results now, for better or worse. This lunation will assist you in getting clear about who you want to be known for and why. Does your reputation align with who you really are? Does your work out in the world truly reflects the inherent values you hold deep within? Regardless, now is the time to harvest some fruits of your labour. Your professional self is ripe and ready for you to take it to the next level.
The pinnacle of your studies reach its peak during this full moon. Whether you’re studying through an institution, through travelling to foreign places, in your room through a screen, or with a wise teacher, no doubt you’ve grown a lot in the last 6 months. The full moon gives you an opportunity to keep picking away at unnecessary existential issues you may have. Get clear on what your beliefs are and let that lay down the path towards your next journey. Believe in the strength of your dreams to take you where you need to go.
It’s time to get real with the shared and borrowed resources you have access to. Do you have debt you need to stop avoiding? Have you done the work of filing your taxes this year? Do you have a financially responsibility that you need to attend to? This full moon features these areas of your life. Create a detailed and practical plan to ensure you are living within your means. Receive support from people or organizations if that is what you need. Plan out your budget to help appease any financial worries you may have. Figure out ways to heal any deep wounding you have around scarcity.
Your relationships bask in the full light of the moon and whatever changes you’ve worked on the past 6 months will now show some results. This full moon will give you insight on the difference between relationship labour that feels hard but rewarding or ones that are actually just straining. The latter often brings up a sense of drudgery and perhaps it’s time you unburden your load. Say yes to the work you are committed to and no to what is not really true for you. Your act of servitude in partnerships that are going nowhere are lessons you don’t need to learn the hard way. Discernment is a skill you can practice my dear. You can do it.
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Fog. Red pond in Moscow in autumn by Lev Lvovich Kamenev
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