Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.
February feels like a mild defrosting of your chilled bones after wading through the snowstorm that was January.
Mercury starts its pre-retrograde shadow phase at 28˚ Aquarius on Feb. 2nd and then enters Pisces the next day, the sign of its detriment and fall. Feb. 7th sees Venus move into Aries, the sign of its detriment. Communication will have thick layers of emotional sensitivity and details may be overlooked. On the other hand, relationships get more fired up and impatient exchanges will be more rampant.
When Planets are in their signs of detriment and fall, the energies of these signs are opposite the planets’ inherent nature. It’s like they need to learn a new language, so they don’t possess their usual swag, their capacity to deliver their significance is markedly decreased, and it’s harder for them to achieve their goals.
On February 9th, we have a Full Moon at 20˚ Leo, completing the cycle of whatever began on July 31, 2019. Full Moons reveal tensions and bring opposing things to light. This lunation forms a Grand Fire Trine 🔥with Venus and Mars, lending a confident, courageous and independent temperament. It will also square Uranus, adding a layer of surprise.
Feb 16th sees Mercury stationing retrograde at 12˚ Pisces, slowing us all down for Valentine's month. Let this be a PSA, this is NOT Mercury "in" retrograde; Mercury just “is”. Mercury IS retrograde. It's a description, not a location. 😉 Mercury Rx periods are all about wrapping up unfinished business, reviewing, reflecting, reassessing, and reconfiguring the areas of your life that are affected.
On the same day as Mercury Rx, Mars enters its sign of exaltation, Capricorn. Mars gets to roll up its sleeves and get to work, cleaning up after the wreckage left behind by the tough astroweather in January. This influence is productive AF.
The Sun enters Pisces on Feb. 18th and this begins the decline of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and summer in the South. And of course, a New Moon at 4˚ Pisces follows shortly on Feb 23rd, marking a new annual opening in this sphere of your life. Read your horoscopes below to see how February's astroweather will impact you personally.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at astro.com. For more information on how all of these play together, visit charmastrology.com. Re-read last month’s Shape of 2020 for an overview for the year to come.
February feels a lot like time-out for you dear Aries 😌. There have been SO many shifts and changes going on in your life. This month, pull yourself back from the public stage here and there, especially during Mercury retrograde. Retreat into a safe cave, integrate the lessons, the losses and the gains, and spend some time to check in with your inner world. Meanwhile, the Full Moon completes a relatively fun and creative chapter. Maybe it was an art project, or perhaps a passing-by lover. It's best to know when to stop so as not to spoil the good memories. There is still a lot of work ahead regarding the direction of your future. Spend as much time in the vast wilderness of your internal world as you do taking outward decisive action this month.
This month draws your attention toward your friendships, groups and community. The question of belonging hangs heavy in your heart and mind. February's Mercury retrograde period will have you mulling over who truly has your back and who you wish to remain friends with. The Full Moon culminates and unveils the next chapter of events concerning your home and family. There will continue to be loads of work to do regarding further education in your chosen fields, as well as a general restructuring of your belief systems. Take this month to unify and harmonize your philosophical questions to your hopes and dreams, dear Taurus.
February asks the perpetual question, “What do you want to be when you grow up? The great thing about this eternal dilemma is that you likely have a s***ton of ideas. Perhaps the struggle is how to maintain focus and stay the course long enough to see results. The Mercury retrograde period is set up to give you time to plan. Vision board, write things down, get inspired by your role models, and strategically map out your next steps. Get practical and intuitive about your process. The Full Moon completes a chapter in your life that deals with your daily routines, interactions, and your local environment. Perhaps change is in the air. By mid-month, there will hopefully be some productive updates with the deep psychological work you've been occupied with. You're stronger than you think dear Gemini. You got this 💪.
This month is all about catching flights, but also feelings (but I mean, isn’t that just baseline Cancer?). Though traveling can prove to be fraught with delays and obstacles during Mercury retrograde, you might be feeling the pull to go explore a different landscape. In any case, do it before Mercury is retrograde if possible. Adventures and new experiences will really inspire you this February. If you can't catch flights, make sure you go out and learn something new this month. The Full Moon completes a certain financial situation that started last July. Perhaps a raise is on the horizon, or maybe a change in income source. More work and resolute action is required of you in your relationships and committed partnerships. Keep doing the work of showing up for yourself. This allows you to get real with others. Keep at it, dear Cancer.
February will point to the behind the scenes work you're called to do. One of these is reviewing your shared resources and financial situations. Perhaps you've got debt that needs managing or an inheritance to handle. Maybe you're writing a grant to fund your creative projects. Whatever it is, this month's Mercury retrograde is for polishing your strategy and system. Also, there are deeper psychological matters that need your kind attention— don't forget to tend to your heart. The Full Moon rounds off what you started last July regarding your sense of self, identity, and motivation towards your goals. There continues to be a lot of room for improvement in the health department. The good news is you are likely to find yourself feeling productive this month. Cultivate daily regimens and wellness practices that help you feel restored inside and out.
This month is all about your relationships, partnerships, and terms of engagement. There are heaps of feelings to sort through and past experiences to integrate into the present. Take February as a time to reconnect with your people. Reassess your commitments and determine if they are still up-to-date. On a practical level, Mercury retrograde encourages you to review all your terms and contracts. Do a double/triple/quadruple check, though this is probably routine for you anyway. The Full Moon perfects an internal-spiritual process that started for you last July. Hidden aspects of yourself and your past come to light. In contrast, there is an energizing and fertile opportunity to get creative for the next month or so. Take advantage of all the deep changes occurring within you to receive what is yours, dear Virgo.
February puts to test your ability to slow down despite your long, perpetual to-do-list. Most days you probably can't even; this month gives you a chance to do just that. Mercury retrograde is for reconfiguring your day-to-day grind, reassessing your work projects, and reflecting on the bigger picture of your work and worth. The Full Moon marks the half-way point regarding a collaboration and group effort that started last July. Folks who truly support you come to light under the Full Moon glow. There continues to be endless work in the home and family front. You are literally and metaphorically digging up old and rotten sh** so you can finally deal with it. This month is the perfect astroweather for a deep clean, so get to scrubbin’!
This month has high potential for romance and pleasure for you. Yes, it's Valentine's month but also Mercury retrograde, right through the creative and sexytimes portion of your chart. There is a new seed of courage and opportunity to bring something to life this February, so take some time out to slowly savour the sweetness on offer. The Full Moon brings to light your accomplishments from all the work you've put in since last July. Hopefully, you are recognized for your efforts and given the appreciation you so deserve. There continues to be drama to smooth out within your day-to-day life, siblings, extended relatives, and neighbours. February brings you more muscle and energy to weather that storm, however. Less is more when it comes to your words, and timing is everything. Choose them wisely, dear Scorpio.
Home is where the heart is. February brings this phrase to life for you, dear Sagittarius. There will be sweet nostalgia and new beginnings on the home front. Mercury retrograde is all about family and ancestry. Trace back your roots and get grounded in knowing the people who have come before you. On a practical level, perhaps it's just about sorting through your home and cleaning up neglected corners. The Full Moon ripens a particular journey that had you exploring and learning since last July. Your finances continue to be the topic of the year. There will be potential to make progress in figuring out how to sustainably support yourself. Make use of this month's energy by taking decisive action regarding your money situations.
If you are reading this then it is evidence that you survived! January's astroweather felt the most personal for you dear Capricorn. February is about integrating these deep shifts and transmutations deep within your bones. What does it look like to be you? And how does this translate into your daily life? Mercury retrograde is all about the language you wield to name your experience. Move around slowly this month to let it all sink in. The Full Moon shines a harsh light on the darker corners of your psyche. Perhaps you’ll discover a forgotten loss that you now get to deal with consciously, like debris floating on water. More substantial self-work is on the itinerary this month and a new layer of courage comes through. Hopefully, this gives you permission to take more risks to be who you have always known yourself to be - a strong unf***withable force.
Happy Birthday, February Aquarians 🌈!
This month's focus is on your financial situation. There's an opportunity to examine how you're supporting your life during Mercury's retrograde. A possibility may emerge that can bring new ways of earning money, or at least a different way of managing your finances. In the realm of relationships, something has reached its peak form as the Full Moon completes. This provides insight into the dynamics you have with other people. Overall, February inspires a more introspective way of being. Don't be afraid to spend lots of time alone dear Aquarius. Solitude this month can assist you in filtering out the noise of the outside world so you can better consolidate the changes that are happening deep within you.
Happy Birthday, February Pisceans 🎂!
February is rich with occasions for self-work, growth, and integration. During Mercury's retrograde period there is a plea to reflect on who you are, how you appear to the world, and how your embodied experiences and motivation will bring forth your life's purpose. No pressure 😬. In other news, there may be work and health-related circumstances that are coming to fruition as the Full Moon blooms. Much work needs to be done in the realm of friendships and community. It may mean a separation from a particular group or a specific dream. In plant-care wisdom, regular cutting is an important process. Trimming excess growth encourages the plant to flourish further. This method applies to your human relations, dear Pisces. Get to pruning ✂️.