Written and published exclusively for Drink Droplet. Republished here.
Drink Droplet horoscopes will now publish horoscopes whenever the Sun enters a new sign and ushers us into a new solar astrological season! Libra Season begins!
The Sun enters the sign of its fall in Libra on the 22nd, ushering in the Fall Equinox and forming a beautiful mutual reception with Venus in Leo. Venus enters Virgo on Oct 2nd, also the sign of its fall. Planets in the sign of its fall often have to labour and put in more effort to act out its inherent nature. They are usually neglected, under-appreciated, and unrecognized. On the other hand, planets in mutual reception exchange their home signs and mitigate any challenges the Sun may experience.
To finish off an intense, zesty, and hardy September, Mercury enters the brooding and profound sign of Scorpio on the 27th, then Saturn stations direct at 25˚ Capricorn on the 29th, and Mars Rx Aries immediately squares it. This will be the second time Mars squares Saturn and this configuration can point to power dynamics that cause frustrations. Read back to your September horoscopes for insights on how you may experience this personally.
There is a Full Moon in Aries on Oct 1st, indicating completion of whatever began in March 2020. The New Moon in Libra on Oct 16th will be within the orb of opposing Mars Rx and squaring Saturn and Pluto. New Moons always signify beginnings; however, this one may experience delays. 😅
The main event of Libra Season is the final Mercury Retrograde of 2020… yay. The planet of processing and articulating information, commerce, and transportations goes backward in Scorpio on Oct 13th. The first phase of this Mercury Rx opposes Uranus suggesting unexpected breakthroughs and shocking discoveries. Mercury retrogrades as a general and objective rule are useful for reviewing plans, wrapping up unfinished projects, double-checking things, and practicing mindfulness. Read your horoscopes for more insights.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit
What do you gain from things, situations, and people you lose? What lessons does heartbreak teach you? The month ahead is a profound reflection on the presence of grief and the space it occupies in your life. Review last month's horoscopes for added nuance. Ask yourself this, how good are you at receiving help? This month is a lesson in letting people in and learning how to rely on others. As independent and self-sufficient as you are, we all need people. Learn to give people the chance to come to your aid.
This month will show you relationship dynamics that require attention but tend to get pushed under the rug. Either way, you're going through intense and profound changes within yourself. It ripples and spills over to how you relate to others. Deeply ingrained patterns often take a lot of effort and time to change. While transmuting unhealthy conditioning starts with you, at some point other people will respond to these changes. May the changes feel like healing. Re-read last month's horoscopes for more helpful guidance.
The upcoming month ahead is a practice of patience and presence. How you're living your daily life comprises your bigger life. How does it fare? Are there habits you'd like to change? Work projects you need to finish? Do them. Review September's horoscopes for more information. Allow yourself to also enjoy and experience pleasure in new ways. Don't neglect the healing medicine of play. Don't lose yourself in only work. There is more to life than just your tasks. Fill your life with what brings you joy.
The premise of doing inner child healing work is to resolve difficult early childhood experiences that still hold power in your adult life. This month ahead, explore, experiment, play, and take risks for the sake of joy. Watch and spend time with babies and children. Observe their behaviours during play. Learn about vulnerability through them. Emulate how they express emotions without fear or shame. Reread last month's horoscopes for more gems. Do not be afraid of the depth of your emotions. Let yourself feel all the layers.
Mercury's retrograde this upcoming month will turn your attention towards your home and family issues. This is always a good time to reflect on your childhood and early memories if you can. Reflect on your relationship with your family of origin, your parents, your elders, and your ancestors. It would be a great month to start an ancestral practice that facilitates a connection with your lineage. Read through September's horoscopes for more information. You're geared up to want to learn new ways of telling your story.
Out of all the signs, you, Virgo, understand the weight of words. As Mercury turns backwards this upcoming month, the ways you communicate, process information, move through your daily life, and engage with your immediate environment will come into focus. Reread last month's horoscopes for more gems. You might surprise yourself with novel ideas and beliefs that rock your world off-centre. Perhaps the ways you've been communicating all this time needs improvement. Figure out what that is and work on it.
Happy Birthday October Libras! Make sure to review your September horoscopes as it remains relevant for the start of your season. Mercury retrograde for you will be about how you manage your material resources. Sure it can be about money, but more importantly, perhaps, it’s about your relationship to it. There might be unexpected expenses or gifts from others. As well, there's a waxing and waning of concerns with who you are and who other people think you should be. You might be wrestling with attempts to balance others' expectations of you this upcoming month.
Happy Birthday October Scorpios! Remember to re-read last month's horoscopes for added insights. The upcoming month ahead features a Mercury retrograde in your sign. This can signify a deepening of your relationship to who you are, who you're becoming, and the kinds of identities you're shedding. There will likely be surprises and shocking revelations as other people reveal themselves to you. This exposure will help solidify your own truths. Additionally, issues around work and burnout may come up. Prioritize some quiet time if possible. Take care of your needs before exhaustion takes over.
Sagittarius, read your September horoscopes for additional gems. This upcoming month, Mercury retrogrades in an area of your life you'd much rather not explore. It's the part of your reality that deals with your demons, your painful past, your shames, and your heartaches. Do not ignore it. Stay with the feelings that come up. You might surprise yourself with what you find. Monsters under your bed only become more significant when you keep yourself in the dark about their existence. Do not be afraid to dig around. Ask questions.
Read through last month's horoscopes for more insights. The month ahead for you Capricorn is a contemplation on belonging. Review and reexamine who you belong to. What are the spaces that you support? What kinds of shared ideals do you have with the people surrounding you? Does it align with how you want to experiment with who you're becoming? Surprise yourself with new insights as you find that changing who you also require changing your relationships. Do not be afraid to imagine new paths and new connections.
This month ahead, you'll be moved and urged to reflect on the difference between the life you're imagining and the life you're currently living. Make sure to review last month's horoscopes for added insights. Think back to how you've been groomed to believe certain truths about who you should become. What kinds of values did you inherit from your family? Is it still relevant to who you are now? Don't be afraid to stray far from where you come from. You're not betraying anyone by leaning into your own beliefs.
Looking back and forward, Mercury's retrograde this month ahead is about you figuring out what's next. While you recall the past and imagine future possibilities, try to remind yourself to stay present as much as you can. Re-read your September horoscopes for more gems. Sometimes when you busy yourself projecting into the future, you miss out on what's happening right in front of you. New sources and opportunities of support spring up for you. Who do you share your time, labour, and love with? How do they align with your future life?