Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.
Astrology aside, it's crucial that we acknowledge our solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter. We recognize the disproportionate and historical policing of Black people, causing unjustified deaths at the hands of white supremacist police systems. Anti-Black racism is insidious and strategically designed to perpetuate capitalist-driven white supremacy. It is a historical evolution of violent governance and power systems, still very much alive today. adrienne maree brown says, "Things are not getting worse, they are getting uncovered. We must hold each other tight and continue to pull back the veil." As a non-Black person, it is important now more than ever to engage in non-performative allyship. The work we do privately is equally, if not more, important than public pronouncements. Catherine Hernandez provides helpful somatic tips on how to engage in meaningful allyship during this time, read it here. And lastly, if you have the economic means to provide monetary support where appropriate, please do so and have it be recurring. For starters, Minnesota Freedom Fund advises on twitter: "We encourage people to generously donate to George Floyd's family & local orgs that are Black & BIPOC led, @BlackVisionsMN @reclaimtheblock. Please see our full message on our website." In rage and solidarity, let's continue to support, engage, practice and learn from #BlackLivesMatter.
June's astroweather is looking a lot like a juncture on the road towards uncertain destinations. These feelings of ambiguity and uneasiness are expected as we cosmically navigate two eclipses, a Mercury retrograde, and more this month. Read the breakdown below and your horoscope for affirmation and guidance.
On June 2nd, Mercury in Cancer enters its pre-retrograde shadow. Pay attention to feelings and events as they unfold, they will be revisited near the end of Mercury's retrograde cycle in July. Language and worldviews will have an inclination towards nostalgia, protectiveness, and tenderness with Mercury in the moon's sign, Cancer.
We’ll also welcome the first installment of a new eclipse story with a Lunar Eclipse, i.e. a potent full moon at 15˚ Sagittarius on Jun. 5th at 12:12 pm PDT / 3:13 pm EDT. This Lunar Eclipse connects and culminates whatever began back on November 26th, 2019. Lunar Eclipses occur when the earth lines up directly between the opposing luminaries, casting the sun's shadow and causing a red tint on the full moon's surface.
Eclipses, in general, bring hidden things to the fore. They take on the feeling of fated-like events and prompt deep shifts and changes, for better or worse. It’s helpful to remember that your personal birth chart determines how much the eclipses will personally impact you. Eclipses always happen in pairs of opposing signs that activate a specific axis in your birth chart. It is better to see them as a bigger cycle of change that tells a story over a period of 2 years.
While entering through the gateways of change brought on by the eclipses, Mercury spends most of its time in slow motion. It changes direction and turns retrograde on June 18th at 14˚ Cancer. Contexts related to communications, technologies, transportation, and commerce go through convoluted pathways and eventual u-turns. Expect errors, misunderstandings, missed connections and possible revisions.
The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th, signalling the beginning of the summer solstice in the North and winter in the South. Immediately after, the final Solar Eclipse, i.e. a potent New Moon, occurs at 0˚ Cancer on June 20th at 11:41 pm PDT / Jun. 21, 02:41 AM EDT. Solar Eclipses occur when the moon lines up directly between the earth and the sun, obliterating the sun's light, which will be visible in the daytime parts of the planet.
Venus has been retrograde since May 13th, and it finally stations direct at 5˚ Gemini on June 25th. Relationships and value-systems revisions are up for a retrospective audit and course-correction. Finally, Mars enters Aries on June 27th and will stay here until January 6th, 2021, i.e. a really long time. One thing's for sure, Mars in Aries arouses and inspires decisive action.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at astro.com. For more information on how all of these play together, visit charmastrology.com.
It may seem challenging to discern and make sense of the suffering you're experiencing and witnessing this month. Have you considered that your beliefs give way to your internal sense of meaning, and vice versa? What you believe influences how you relate to your old wounds and how you may move forward. Remember that they can heal over time, but require careful tending and attention. Home and belonging are themes you will likely explore this month. What kinds of memories and passed-down stories linger in your heart? How does it inform who you're becoming in the present moment? Write things down and watch the words enliven the truth that all of life is relationships. You are not and cannot function alone, dear Aries.
What you support and who you conspire and create with will be the main focus this month. As you investigate your questions about collaborations, the process may bring up old grief from all the people and friendships you've lost along the way. Perhaps this is a time to reflect on the roles you've played in various community spaces. Who are your people? Who and why do you serve? How are you sharing and receiving resources? This month, polish and make clear how you're communicating your answers to these questions. The world is watching what you say, for better or worse. Allow yourself the quiet stillness to centre yourself in your values. When you speak from a place of truth, the hope is that perhaps, it can bring you to the right people to connect with right now.
Happy Birthday June Gemini bbs! This month starts off tense with a culmination of contracts and commitments from the last 6 months. These connections are potentially conflicting with your bigger life aspirations. Relationships passing their best-before dates become clearer now more than ever. On the other hand, there are critical prompts for you to scrutinize your attitude towards the material world. Who are you in relation to your possessions? How do you connect your emotional security with the amount of money you own? What about stories of scarcity? How do you share your wealth? The month will end with offerings of resolution on the value-systems you've had to confront about who you are. This will further lead to more clarity about group ideologies and spaces that are no longer aligned with who you're becoming.
Happy Birthday June Cancer bbs! June begins with a potential ending or realization of the working conditions you've had to function and survive through. Perhaps there will be clarity about the ways you need to truly live out your days. This may oppose some of your outdated beliefs about your worth and work. This month also challenges you to renew and reaffirm your sense of selfhood. How does your private self integrate or contradict your public image? If there is a stark difference, is this an avoidance or an attempt at healing? As the month unfolds, you may be met with sweetness and empathy for the hurts of the past, helping you further harmonize the actions you're going to assert towards your future goals and your work in the world.
June slows you down a lot, dear Leo. There's an immense pull to go inward and downward, back into your memories in an attempt to have a new relationship with them. In contrast, there is also a calling to show up and out with your most unapologetic and creative self, despite your fears. This may contradict and interrogate your aversion to being truly seen and exposed. Your sincere and old wounds will be laid bare. This process will clarify the current, multifaceted self-truths you've been wrestling with lately. Themes about community and belonging become clearer. Did you know bruises form because the blood under your skin is stuck and unmoving? The vulnerability of this month's astroweather leaves you with no choice but to massage the stagnation that's been lingering for a while.
This month's astro-homework is asking yourself, who are the people you identify with? Who do you support, and who helps you? What does being in community look like in practice? Do you have unmet pain about not belonging? As you investigate these questions, you may discover something about your ancestry and history. A fated-like disclosure and revelation about your roots may emerge in the form of stories, letters, dreams, omens and memories. This exposure may, in fact, ruffle some relationship feathers. And perhaps you may be met with resistance. Nonetheless, a more profound understanding of where you come from will help you navigate a new life direction you are conceiving.
June is shaping up to be one of your more dynamic months this year, Libra. You're on the last leg of an eclipse marathon, one that started in the summer of 2018, affecting your life path choices. Something new and potent is seeding in terms of your overall life direction. There's an impetus to review, reflect and reassess the meaning of your work in the world. Who does it serve? Observe the next six months as your goals unfold and take shape. Also, you may be changing some of your communications to better align with the new values and beliefs you've recently consolidated into your worldview. It may require adjusting your daily operations; however, your work's integrity and meaning are more critical than logistical inconveniences.
This month you will be wrestling with an epiphany of sorts around how you support yourself and share your resources. There is clarity and likely departure from an old way of relating to the material world, further complicated by your own needs for creative self-expression and a sacred belief in the healing powers of joy and pleasure. Also, you are continually carving your judgments about the structure of your place in the world. June can feel existential in that you're questioning the meaning of your life against the backdrop of the world's violent unfolding. Who do you protect, and why? Remember to honour the heartache of all the personal and collective losses you've survived.
June brings a provocative realization of your personal unravelling and becoming. You're growing up, dear Sagittarius. The contrast of your ancestral and familial roots to your current unfolding can be especially uncomfortable right now. Remember that it is okay to belong to a past that is complicated in its impact to your present self. The integration of your history and your current reality sometimes takes time. Right now, the truth of life's impermanence is quite poignant. Honour the grief and let the sadness of loss flow through you. Reach out for support and be open to being held through these important emotions. There is sweetness available through your relationships... but you have to let them in first.
The articulation of language is complicated. Translating the ephemeral and transcendent understandings of your inner world to words can sometimes lose meaning. Since you live in a world that requires constant communication, you must try to translate, dear Capricorn. Perhaps through this process, you will learn something new about your healing process that felt elusive before. Also, your relationships are continually undergoing an overhaul. New, potent seeds being planted and require new ways of tending. Take a step back and contemplate your commitments, obligations, and capacity in your partnerships. What are your motivations for labouring? How are you complacent and responsible for the conditions of your daily life?
This month unfolds by prompting questions and causing friction between your material and sociopolitical values. What kinds of sacrifices have you made to survive the economic demands of your life? Who are the groups of people who need the generosity of your service right now? How can you also be open to receiving support without complicating it with your feelings of undeservedness? June's astroweather will instigate and motivate you to take a closer look at the conditions of your daily life. What kinds of habits allow more spaciousness and capacity for you to show up in the world? Where can you insert some kindness and empathy for your own lack of answers? May these questions guide you towards clarity, dear Aquarius.
A desire and need to reconcile your public image with your personal identity feels urgent this month, dear Pisces. You may land on a minefield of contradictions of multi-faceted truths. However, this nuance is what you need to clarify the kind of work you want to be known for. Who do you want to be when you grow up? Does your work in the world line up with your perceived self-image? If possible, be brave enough to take risks. Challenge your own status quo by daring yourself to center pleasure in most of your dealings. You may be surprised at how much deep healing can be accomplished when you prioritize your comfort over other people's projection of who you should be.