Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.
August blesses us with teachable moments and opportunities to problem solve whatever is plaguing us. Put another way, this month may frustrate and test our patience. Just remember that change takes place under struggle born out of the desire to make things better. Conflicts aren't always harmful. You're better off divorcing from the binary way of thinking. Life is not just divided between good or bad things, it is more complex and nuanced than that.
We start the month with a Full Moon on Aug. 3rd at 11˚ Aquarius. This Full Moon squares wildcard Uranus, so expect high strung energy and sudden revelations and possibly upsetting events. It's an epiphany kind of moment where you are met with a kind of clarity that's jarring but hopefully exciting.
Mercury enters Leo (finally) on Aug. 4th, and Venus enters Cancer (also, finally) on Aug. 7th. With Mercury now in the Sun's home, we turn our gaze towards solar principles of ego and purpose. Venus finally leaving Gemini and into the Moon's abode in Cancer, switches our motion towards safety blankets and comfortable cuddles as a way to experience pleasure.
But, this month is complicated by the fact that Mars in Aries will be squaring Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. Venus will also do the same via an opposition but not until the end of the month and into September. This is tense because Mars in Aries wants to take action, but Saturn in Capricorn, prefers to hold back. Your horoscopes will clarify where you might feel these opposing forces play out for you this month.
The New Moon takes place on Aug. 18th at 26˚ Leo, marking a new cycle of beginning in the Leo areas of your charts/life. And finally, Mercury enters its home sign, Virgo, on Aug. 19th, and the Sun follows on Aug. 22nd. It is setting up the last half of the month to be more about gathering data and troubleshooting issues.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at For more information on how all of these play together, visit
August is the month you test out your capacity for patience. You're likely feeling pumped and ready for action, excited to take on challenges, and interested in exploring new types of pleasures. However, real-world responsibilities are demanding your attention. As much as you'd like to take new risks to keep things exciting, it may be wise to hold back and think through the consequences of your decisions. The path laid out in front of you, or where your life is headed, may appear full of obstacles and bumps on the road. Know that setbacks do not mean total failure. And even if they do, life remains in constant ebb and flow. For as long as you’re alive, you can always start again.
What you believe in shapes your reality. How you tell your stories creates your relationship to your experiences. So with this in mind, what kinds of words do you choose to convey your truths? Where does your frame of reference and perspective stem from? Do you speak out of fear, out of desperation, out of hope, or out of love? The angle with which you view your life matters. This month, investigate how your thoughts become your reality. Confront the sources of your narratives. Where do your beliefs come from? Are they old stories inherited from someone else? Don't forget to muster as much empathy for yourself as you navigate painful memories.
You've got a chip on your shoulder, dear Gemini, and you want to prove that you are an independent force. No doubt that you're capable of taking care of yourself. However, the losses you may have suffered gnaw at you like an itch that won't relent. Perhaps it is okay to acknowledge the loneliness of cutting ties with people, despite their presence being unhealthy and toxic. It's usually easier to remain in harmful relationships than to face the heartbreak of the loss. Often, we may not appreciate the extent of the harm until we've gained some distance and perspective. To do THE work of unlearning dynamics, you've found comfort in is often complicated and messy. But unlearn, you must.
August is a mixed bag for you, dear Cancer, as you navigate generally feeling a bit more indulgent and perhaps forgiving of yourself. You're also navigating some stressors that have been building the past month. Relationship issues may come up, and some of your responsibilities frankly feel like they are dragging you down. However, context is everything. Perhaps you're itching to make some independent moves about your life, but there are commitments that you're accountable to, and you must keep your promises. Because letting your people down is letting yourself down. Figure out the balance without bailing out at the first sign of struggle.
Happy Birthday August Leo bbs! No doubt, you will be feeling extra shiny this month and perhaps desiring to show off and dress up. Whatever it is, make sure you give room for creative self-expression despite the global pandemic. Find joy in the little moments. Change your hairstyle. Do some skincare. Take care of your heart. In other news, pay attention to your labour and daily working conditions this month. Forgive yourself if you're not feeling extra productive. Dismantle the capitalist idea that you're only worthy if you're producing and working. Give yourself permission to rest and try not to feel guilty about it. Taking a break is its own kind of achievement.
Happy Birthday August Virgo bbs! You will be more than likely interested in tamer and quieter celebrations. Prioritize moments where you can whisper your worries and wishes into the calm of a long night, revelling in the solitude available to you. However, find sweetness with friends and allies whenever you can. The thing is, this month is a fight against your fears. When you want something so bad, it's terrifying. Because what if that thing you've put up on a pedestal sucks? Or that you love it so much you're so afraid to lose it before you even had it? Remember to trust in your capacity to endure. Risk being scared, and don't worry too much. The point is to push through life despite your doubts. Let the future tell its story in time.
You may have noticed that you're on a roll with being restless, impatient, and on-edge with people the past month. August is no exception; however, you may be met with frustrating restrictions that have you following rules you would rather break. It may be wise to be prudent and think first before taking action. Consider the consequences of your urgent desires. Is it worth pissing people off just to get what you want? Or are you just acting out of self-preservation or selfish intentions? Surprise yourself by allowing people into your space. Give room for mutual support and collaborations and watch the world be receptive to your work.
Alright, Scorpio, you’ll probably want to go buck wild this month more than usual. Still, I'll be boring and ask you to please wear your seatbelts, literally and figuratively. As much as you want to chase adrenaline, learn how to reduce harm by knowing the risks and thinking of ways to execute whatever you’re attempting to do safely. Your days may weigh heavily with responsibilities, and you will need to ration your time for what's most important. Focus and prioritize to help you manage the whiplash of any unexpected revelations and shocking events. Allot some time for learning new knowledge and skills. Be ready to show up and out what you have to offer to the public.
Learn how to not measure your worth by the number of your material possessions. Similarly, not owning enough capital is not an excuse to degrade your value. This is a systemic problem under the capitalist world we live in. It's a toxic self-deprecating cycle you can easily fall into. This month, figure out how to balance your need to support your financial requirements while also taking risks for joy and creativity. Frivolity does not have to cost you much, and not all economies are monetary-based. Turn your focus on relationships and connections. Look to your kin, friends, and community for evidence of abundance. Try not to use money as a measure of your worth.
August has a push-pull kind of vibe to it. On the one hand, you’ll want to hermit away and work alone. But let's be honest, teamwork does not always make the dream work. Often, you find yourself doing everything while others slack off. On the other hand, though, you can't help but want to put up your feet, receive a relaxing scalp massage, and have others serve you with sweet gifts and offerings. There is so much work to do, and home may feel a bit like an elusive concept versus an achievable reality. Focus on sustainable efforts and give more time for collaborations that hold you accountable by sharing the load. Doing all the work yourself does not teach you the lesson of relationships, dear Capricorn.
You may be an intellectual, but even a smartypants like you can sometimes have a hard time articulating the right language to describe your deepest fears. Vulnerability is the theme of the month, dear Aquarius. You generally work hard at keeping the mess of your past contained and maybe even forgotten. However, you may find yourself remembering events that still hold power to your current sense of self. Use words and stories to your advantage to help you heal your scary past. Find real and imagined guides to petition for support. You don't always have to appear strong for others to take you seriously. Soften up and lean into growing new edges that do not require pushing others away to prove to yourself that you are a survivor. We all need people.
Do you know how it feels in your body to belong, to be understood, and to be perceived correctly? The problem these days is that perhaps it's hard to know. Lately, it feels like you cannot find the right fit of people to belong to. This saga will continue to be a sore spot, and perhaps it's time to do something about it. Relationships take time to nurture and grow. If the first thing you do when you describe people is how they can be better, then the problem is your attitude. Reel the critical voice in and learn how to make adult friends by allowing people to surprise you.