Written and published exclusively for Hey Dewdrop. Republished here.
What a time to be alive. Wherever you are, I hope you are keeping well and safe. And helping our current collective situation by physically distancing but also staying socially engaged. We are stronger together.
For this month's horoscopes, I'll be giving you a 3-item to-do list you can try out to help you stay grounded amidst the collective chaos. When we nurture our inner sense of calm, we make better decisions and gain more capacity to help others. With more mindfulness and awareness-based practices, we are better equipped to channel more empathy for the grief and losses we are all experiencing. “It is in your self-interest to find a way to be very tender.”
It is poignant to review that on Mar. 21st, Saturn entered Aquarius, and Mars followed shortly on Mar. 30th. Then these two planets came together on Mar. 31st at 0º Aquarius and setting the tone for the rest of April. Expect an intensification of themes of restriction and confinement this month, as well as an increase of restlessness and agitation. These are normal reactions to the new reality we're all getting used to. Read your scopes on how to make the most with less.
Venus enters Gemini on Apr. 3rd where it will be until Aug. 7th due to its retrograde period next month. Venus typically only stays in a sign for about a month. The Gemini area of your chart is set up to receive Venusian-type gifts, i.e. an infusion of art, beauty and harmony - for an extended period this year. Take it as a consolation prize.
The Full Moon takes place on Apr. 7th at 18˚ Libra at 7:35 pm PDT / 10:35 pm EDT. This moment is a culmination of whatever began back on Sept. 28th, 2019.
Taurus season officially begins when the Sun enters Taurus on Apr. 19th, followed shortly by a New Moon at 3˚ Taurus on Apr. 22nd at 7:25 pm PDT / 10:25 pm EDT. Mercury also enters Taurus on Apr. 27th. It's about to get real earthy in the sky. But also, this New Moon is spicy because it's so close to destabilizing Uranus. More on this in your ‘scopes below.
It's highly recommended that you primarily read the horoscopes for your Rising sign. If you don't know your Rising Sign, then you can read for your Sun sign. To figure out these placements, enter your birth date, location and precise birth time into an astrology app like Time Nomad or online at astro.com. For more information on how all of these play together, visit charmastrology.com.
Happy Birthday April Aries bbs. This month's birthday is going down in history for sure. You'll be cleaning house in your groups, community, and friendships this month. Hopefully, it manifests as cathartic separations or promising unions. It can very well express itself as mobilizing and organizing with your people for the benefit of your community. The New Moon marks a new beginning in your financial life. It's a ripe time to think of sustainable budgetary goals, while the Full Moon culminates a particular relationship or business contract to its peak form. Time to take it to the next level. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Cook food. Seriously, feed yourself while self-isolating.
2. Get deep into your feels. Really connect to the bottom of your grief.
3. Get into some kind of spiritually-oriented practice. Connect to something divine.
Happy Birthday April Taurus bbs. Most of you are probably good at being homebound and celebrating this way. This month, be careful when dealing with authority figures. You're likely to experience challenges and conflict with them. If you're in a position of authority, a lot will be expected of you during this time. Keep fairness in mind when executing your orders. The New Moon marks a new beginning in your sense of self, identity and health. Perhaps a new physical regimen is a good idea. The Full Moon, on the other hand, completes a work project and concludes a particular daily routine (no kidding). As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Start a creative project. Something that helps you express yourself.
2. Explore philosophical texts that give your experiences of loss more depth and meaning.
3. Get friendly with your suppressed anger through meditative movement practices like yoga or martial arts.
Dear Gemini, for this month, you're tasked with working through some of your existential questions and belief systems. It's an excellent time to dedicate serious study to learn something new that helps to expand your worldview. The New Moon helps to usher you into a more spiritually-oriented perspective. It should be helpful to you at this time as you try and make sense of all the collective suffering we’ve all been witnessing. The Full Moon completes a specific creative project or love affair. At least you're navigating intimacy in the time of physical distancing. Thankfully technology is here to help you get used to e-dating, perhaps? As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Yes, do stress-clean your house. Decluttering will do wonders for your mental health.
2. Build stuff. Work with your hands to channel your emotions.
3. Take lots of naps. And snack in between. Move slower. No need to rush.
Dear Cancer, April is the month you take responsibility and do something about your grief. If you can, do this healing work with professional guides, if possible, e.g. therapists, priests, counsellors, etc. A lot of psychological debris will come up to the surface. Remember to reach out for support as you navigate the deep waters of your losses. Things have changed. The New Moon provides you with new community opportunities and dreams for sustainable futures. The Full Moon completes a particular home and domestic situation. The current recommendation to stay home is likely what this is about. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Do not underestimate the value of regular FaceTime dates with your family and friends.
2. Study different theories that help explain the effects of trauma and grief on the body.
3. Start a dream journal and read the fascinating stories at the end of the month. Your subconscious is processing a lot right now.
Dear Leo, this month demands that you take yourself seriously in your relationships. Whether that means letting go of toxic dynamics, getting clear on naming your boundaries or becoming a more responsible, more mature human overall. Do the work. The New Moon gives you a fresh start on your career trajectory, or at least you're dreaming of a new path. The Full Moon concludes a particular daily routine. Time to create a new day-to-day schedule. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Psychoanalyze your childhood. Spend this time focusing on healing from your relationship with your family of origin.
2. Get witchy and spiritual with your grief. Do a daily tarot ritual (for example) to check in with your innermost feelings.
3. Cry. Just let the tears flow.
Dear Virgo, April is the month you start paying more attention to your wellness. Whether that's physical, emotional or spiritual health, prioritize your well-being and nurture daily practices now. It's all about changing your outdated habits. The New Moon gently inspires you to take on a new study that helps you make meaning of life. While the Full Moon culminates a specific financial situation that's set up to change slowly over time. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Take up yoga or kickboxing via Youtube. Move your body.
2. Cut through your own bullshit and deal with your grief. Feel shitty? Do something about it.
3. Take up freeform writing or collage-making to channel your internal dialogue.
Dear Libra, it's about time you take your creative self-expression seriously. Do not compromise your artistic vision just because you think you're not ready or qualified. Pleasure and joy might be harder to come by right now. So go easy on yourself and be patient for the slow growth of your magnum opus. The New Moon births new collaborations that will hopefully sustain over the long term. And the Full Moon completes a cycle of personal rebirth. Where and who you were 6 months ago is starting to make more sense now. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Talk to your elders. Help them out even though you're physically distancing.
2. Take out your old comfort items. That baby blanket? Wrap yourself with it.
3. Mindfulness meditation will really do wonders for you right now. Just do even 10 mins every day. Take the time to declutter your psychic space.
Dear Scorpio, like the rest of the world, you in particular, are set up to tackle issues in your home and family lives. It's probably a good time to do some home repairs, but only if you know what you're doing. The same goes for familial relationships. You could use some remedial and healing work in this department. The New Moon brings forward new opportunities for relationships of all kinds. Perhaps a new business contract or a new committed partnership. The Full Moon concludes a particularly isolating time, ironically enough. All of the profound inner work you've been undertaking alone will start to make sense now. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Organize with your kinfolk and mobilize campaigns that help your community.
2. Process your grief with a therapist or read fiction that mirrors the current state of the world but one that gives you mighty hope.
3. Schedule regular check-ins with a trusted few to help you remember you are not alone.
Dear Sagittarius, April is the month you get to work on your communication issues. Are you guilty of foot-in-mouth offences? Polish your delivery by being more intentional with what and how you get your message across. The New Moon prompts you to alter some of your unhealthy habits. Want to make a change for the better? Slow and steady wins the race. Make little daily changes to set yourself up for success. The Full Moon finishes a community project or a certain role you play in groups. Time to wrap things up and dream of what's next. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Set up a prayer altar somewhere in your home. It doesn't have to be tied to religion if you don't want to. Just create a solemn and sacred corner that reminds you of your connection to all beings.
2. Eat your nostalgic comfort foods. Cook that recipe your favourite grandparent fed you when you were young.
3. Deeply question everything, including your own self-sabotaging ways.
Dear Capricorn, this month compels you to make sustainable financial plans. Some sacrifices might have to be made. Make decisions that support your financial stability for the long-term versus the short gain. The New Moon births a new baby that can be literal or metaphorical. Create something into existence and enjoy yourself in the process. The Full Moon concludes a public or leadership role you've been busy with the last six months. Time to plan what's next for you career-wise. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Take up martial arts. Or hit something regularly but safely.
2. Roleplay some scenes. Bonus if it's related to how you heal from your grief.
3. Escape to fictional worlds through whatever medium you prefer so you can dream about what's possible.
Dear Aquarius, April is the month when s*** gets real. You're most likely feeling the tension of wanting to forge ahead but also needing to step on the brakes. This can be a very personal process as you carve and mould who you are becoming. The New Moon starts a new relationship with home and family. Perhaps the current pause is helping you find refuge in your own space. The Full Moon reaches the zenith of a specific learning journey. You are halfway through understanding a field of study you took up six months ago. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Stock up on food. Bake cookies. Make sure you don't go hungry.
2. Do your taxes. It might actually feel cathartic to get that out of the way.
3. Converse with your ancestors through ritual practices. Make an altar dedicated to them and petition their support.
Dear Pisces, this month is all about being okay with seclusion. NGL, it might feel more like isolation than meaningful solitude. However, you may want to stimulate your hunger for knowledge by studying your past and innermost feelings. Integrate how your earlier conditioning affects your current life. The New Moon buds new daily routines and hopefully friendly relationships with your local community. The Full Moon concludes some of your shared collaborations. It may also illuminate some more in-depth psychological material that you've been trying to uncover. As promised, here are 3 suggestions on how to stay grounded during this historic pandemic time:
1. Zoom hang with your internet friends. It would do your spirit good.
2. Study attachment styles and psychosocial relationship theories. Get nerdy about your grief.
3. Get politically involved behind the scenes to help move humanity forward.