This week feels a touch softer than last week. There’s more flowing conversations among the celestial bodies compared to conflict and disagreements. However, sextile and trine aspects can sometimes pass you by without much effect due to its generally comfortable nature. It is usually through the squares and oppositions where you can experience change and action. Nonetheless, with more earthy elements in the mix, there’s a lot that can be accomplished and manifested in the material world if you put in the work. We’ve got Venus coming home to sensual Taurus and Mars also changing signs to sensitive Cancer. Venus moves out of being in detriment (Aries) to being dignified (Taurus). And Mars from a peregrine-ish sign (Gemini) to its fallen one (Cancer). We also have a Full Moon in Scorpio on the weekend reaching a pinnacle of sorts from the last New Moon in Scorpio on Nov. 7, 2018. If last week was harsh on relationships, this week feels like the deliverance of tenderness required to help soften situations. Either that, or more indolence and procrastination.
MAY 13, 2019 MONDAY
Monday starts off with a Get Shit Done mood. The Moon remains in Virgo all day on its way to a Grand Earth Trine today & tomorrow. This configuration is all about steady work & results. Virgo, a mutable & Mercurial earth sign, is being received by its ruler Mercury in Taurus giving it a more solid temperament. This signals a good mental flow that makes it an ideal day for studying, writing, any kind of communications & conducting business. Still, Virgo being mutable, there can be a tendency for distraction and self-criticism. Perfection can also be just an excuse to do the thing. So just do the thing. This evening you may find a sense of overwhelm after a day of doing as the Virgo Moon opposes Neptune in Pisces. Please give yourselves a moment of respite. Allow yourselves a chance to connect your mundane life to something bigger and meaningful. Not long after, Saturn swoops in to knock you out of your escape and reassure you of the work flow you’ve been invested in the last couple of days. Imagine the three earth places (Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn) in your chart linking arms by this configuration. This really helps you get real and practical about what you’re doing and what needs to get done in these areas of your life. As nightfall settles, we find the Sun in Taurus trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn both at 23°. The light and the shadow come to terms with each other within you. There is tremendous healing available through deep exploration of your egos & personalities through depth psychology, the esoteric, and magic. It’s a hella productive week to get deep into your spiritual practice. So get to work.
MAY 14, 2019 TUESDAY
Half of the day leaves us with the Moon in Virgo getting supportive witness from the placements in Capricorn completing the Grand Earth Trine (see yesterday). Jupiter also tips in with some overwhelming abundance while Mars cause impatience, as per usual. Sometimes the shower of goodness can feel like anxiety. Overall, your material world - housing, jobs, money, body - needed your diligent attention to make things happen for now and for the longer term. In their last moments, Venus in Aries sextiles her ruler Mars in Gemini. This is passion and sweetness coming together to bring the erotic and the sensual. The gap between your desire and ability to enjoy them is reduced, if not completely diminished. To top off the sweetness, the Moon enters Libra in the afternoon changing the vibes for the rest of the day to something like a “diplomatic cocktail party.” (quoting Austin Coppock).
Another day of no lunar aspects. Just the Libra Moon hanging out until tomorrow’s stressful contacts with the Capricorn pile up. However, today’s planetary ingresses is sure to change up the vibe for the next month! We’re in the last week of Taurus season, but with Venus entering Taurus today, it’s FINALLY going to feel like Taurus season y’all. It’s like a restart. Taurus season has been mostly with Venus in Mars’ sign Aries, which she’s not very comfy in. Now she comes home to her luxurious and beautiful abode. You might experience a nice change of pace from haggard to slowed down. You’re literally invited to stop and smell the flowers now, so yes please do that. Now Mars, the planet of action and aggression, grapples with a different story. Mars enters the Moon’s sign Cancer, a place he does not do too well in. If Mars is about direct aggression, in Cancer he’s more inclined to hide and cry in the corner. Here Mars is more into passive aggression versus direct confrontation. In any case, these two personal planets’ ingresses inspire a more inbound flow of energy and generates a more sensitive, imaginative and poetic atmosphere. Additionally, Mercury in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces in the evening, increasing the intuitive and metaphysical facets of our minds. A great day for lovemaking, visioning and dreaming.
Photo by Nikita Tikhomirov on Unsplash
The night-owl hours of the wee morning finds the Moon in Libra confronted by the harshness of Saturn, Pluto and the South Node in Capricorn (the pile up I keep talking about). It’s like reality came crashing down. Jupiter and Mars attempt to salvage the remains of your fantasies, but it may not be that effective. Most of the day finds the Moon floating (void-of-course) until she enters the shadowy depths of Scorpio at 5:26pm ET. Here the Moon is definitely in her Gibbous phase where every last detail must be exactly criticized and perfected prior to the Full Moon moment. This Moon immediately opposes Venus who is newly cozy in Taurus, bringing an evening of psychological wanderings and emotional sorcery. It’s a chance to face up with the ugly sides of your feelings - like jealousy, possessiveness and your inability to forgive. Mercury in Taurus trines Saturn Rx in Capricorn at least affording our heads with practical suggestions to move forward.
MAY 17, 2019 FRIDAY
The Scorpio Moon remains for the rest of the day and only opposing Uranus in the super early hours just after midnight. This hopefully flashes some insight into the dark recesses of your own shadow. What this lunar weather is good for is to get to the bottom of anything. Scorpio Moons can’t help but swim right into the heart of the matter. There can be strong investigative tendencies that assists you in learning about your own emotional powers. Spend some time in therapy, read some esoteric philosophies, uncover secrets you didn’t know about the stories you tell yourself. What’s happening today is a foreshadowing of what the Full Moon is all about tomorrow. Collectively, we’re subject to the horrors against reproductive justice and the violent patriarchal ownership of bodies perceived as feminine. This whole shit is a f*cked up mess. The discourse reveals the cis-centric culture we all live under. Just to say, the #astroweather is ripe for triggering and revealing of a historical thread of violence from the hands of cishetpatriarchy. But also, it is rich with possibilities to fight against it. Direct the well of righteous passion you feel to causes you believe in & help humanity move forward. Take care of each other.
Today is intense but for good reasons. The sky is busy with a lot of aspects. Let’s break it down. Firstly, Mercury in Taurus trines Pluto Rx in Capricorn connecting the aspect they had with Saturn on Thursday to today. It’s a transit that supports the agenda of this Full Moon as it provokes profundity of thought and sharp powers of observation. Secondly, Venus conjoins Uranus both in Taurus, for the first time in over 80 years. It jolts Venus out of her calm reverie and excites her out of her usually harmony-loving tendency towards a more unpredictable and independent rebel. Pay attention to what’s taking place in the Taurus area of your charts. The ways you do relationships, money and sense of values are experiencing a flash of insight. Changes are likely already happening. Thirdly and finally, the Full Moon happens at 27˚ Scorpio at 5:11pm ET. The aforementioned Venus Uranus conjunction, Mercury and the Sun in Taurus, witness this full bloom by way of a sign-based opposition. Specifically think back to Nov. 7, 2018 where the New Moon in Scorpio took place. What started back then culminates today. The breakdowns occurring in Taurus is putting some tension on this fullness. Despite all this, the lunation is supported by the fellow waters, ruler Mars in Cancer (in mutual reception) and Neptune in Pisces creating a sign-based Grand Water Trine. It’s no doubt an emotionally intense one. And also has immense potential to be powerfully regenerative and healing. The grounding sextile from the Capricorn pile up also helps to modify some of the depth-tensity. Give yourself and others permission to feel all the feelings (especially today). The Moon enters Sagittarius at 9:21pm ET which infuses the whole situation with showers of hope and optimism. Keep faith.
MAY 19, 2019 SUNDAY
If you can believe it, the Moon remains in Sagittarius all day not making any exact contact with not a single planet. Wow. So today likely feels like a welcome landing from yesterday’s emo flight. Or maybe more like a buoy that pulls you up after some night deep-sea diving. Whew. This Moon encourages the need to search for meaning and it inspires you to also keep things light-hearted. Not everything has to be intense all the time. Fire Moons do well by moving the body. Go dancing, take a boxing class, sweat out in your living room, do some yoga. Find the joy in movement. Motivate your spirits by thinking of your future goals. Or maybe just planning a trip. Go to church or commune with your faith practice group. Be with others and revel in this human life together. Everything is gonna be alright.
I have recently started offering some new services: Birthday Consultation (currently for Taurus folks & also booking Geminis), Monthly Astrology Consultation and Saturn Return Consultation. If you want a more personalized reading and detailed forecast, you can see me for a look at your Half-A-Year Ahead or Year Ahead. If you don’t know anything about your chart, a Birth Chart Reading is always a great place to start. And lastly, I also offer Tarot Readings if that’s more your divination style. Make sure you’re subscribe to my newsletter so you can receive your weekly astrology forecast by Sunday evening or early Monday morning to start your week right! Thanks for reading. Until next time <3